● CREOLE AND PIDGIN are interference based varieties of language.

● PIDGIN is contact language. It is not a native language.

● CREOLE ------> native language.

● After colonization these concepts developed.

● Nativization of PIDGIN is called 'CREOLE' and in CREOLE super- stratum (high standard) grammar/syntax is used.

● Gradually PIDGIN has become'CREOLE' after two or three generations.
E.g. ― Hawai, West- Indies, Heiti...
● PIDGIN-----> next generation-----> CREOLE (native language).

● 1) PIDGIN - changing nature
CREOLE - stability
2) PIDGIN - rapid change
CREOLE - slow change

● Language that tries to gain stability, it becomes a DEAD LANGUAGE.
E.g. – Sanskrit (classical language)----> dead language.

1. A PIDGIN is a contact language, a mixture of elements from different languages.
2. It is a simplified language.
3. It develops as a means of communication between two or more group that do not have a common language.
4. A PIDGIN develops in situations where both groups speak languages different from the languages of the country in which they reside/live.
5. A PIDGIN is not the native language of any speech community.
6. The use of PIDGIN is restricted/ limited to certain groups.
7. A PIDGIN may get rapid change.
8. CONTACT VERNACULAR is another alternative term for PIDGIN.
9. The origin of the word PIDGIN is uncertain but it is believed that it is a Chinese pronunciation of the word BUSINESS.

1. A simple form of communication.
2. Grammar and Phonology (sound system) are as simple as possible.
3. Uncomplicated/simple clause structures.

1. Absence of any wide-spread inter-language.
2. A regular contact between the different language communities.
3. A need for communication.