What is Creole?

● When a PIDGIN becomes Lingua Franca/ First Language/ Native Language, it is called a 'CREOLE.'

Characteristics of Creole

● Unlike PIDGIN, a CREOLE is used in various activities.
● CREOLE may acquire a standard grammar, vocabulary and sound system (Phonology).
● CREOLE has an increased number of speakers than a PIDGIN.
● CREOLE is used in Mauritius, Heiti, Jamaica and various other islands that were the colonies of the Europeans.
● According to MUFWENE :-
" A PIDGIN emerges among trade colonies and CREOLES emerge among settled colonies."
PIDGIN--------> trade colonies
CREOLE---------> settled colonies


1. PIDGIN is contact language whereas CREOLE is Lingua Franca.
2. PIDGIN is not the first language whereas CREOLE is the first language.
3. PIDGIN has restricted use whereas CREOLE has wide spread use.
4. PIDGIN has limited number of speakers whereas CREOLE has increased number of speakers
5. PIDGIN has no standard grammar, vocabulary and Phonology whereas CREOLE has standard grammar, vocabulary and Phonology.
6. PIDGIN is variable (rapid change) whereas CREOLE is stable (slow change).